Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Yay, Everyone Is Home!!!
Eli was finally discharged from the hospital this afternoon around 1:00, and we drove him home in the beginnings of another snow storm, maybe the one he was waiting for inside me! We are all pretty excited, but wiped out too. We're all enjoying holding him and loving on him, and resting up. Now we will have to start thinking about Christmas again, and Isaac's birthday, both of which I can't believe are pretty much already upon us! Yet another December lost in a whirlwind! Travis and I have such an amazing record going of messing up the holidays, so I think that next year we will give everyone a break and just take a family ski trip. :)
How happy I am to have my boys together finally! Isaac was pretty excited to be able to touch Eli, and only had a few moments of sibling rivalry, including his first potty accident in about a month!
Friday, December 19, 2008
Eli's Got A Reason To Smile!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Elias' Ongoing Saga...
Well, Elias Jackson Stewart was delivered (removed from me) at 12:37 pm December 10th, the surgery went well and he was out and screaming pretty quick. Travis and I got to hang with him for a little while in the OR while the doctors were sewing me up, and then Travis and Eli left for our room. I got back there not long after, only to discover that Eli was having trouble breathing. About 20 minutes later, my worst fear was realized when he was whisked away to the neonatal intensive care unit (nicu). Today is the 17th, one week later, and he is still there. I was sent home on Sunday, the doctors kept me as long as they could in spite of my quick recovery, hoping Eli would be ready to come home too. But, right now we have no idea how long he will be in there. I don't think I will write much right now about all this, it is without a doubt the hardest most stressful thing I've ever experienced. When Isaac was in the nicu, that was almost as hard, but this is worse for two reasons, one, if I sit at the hospital all the time with Eli, I feel like I'm neglecting Isaac, two, when I leave the hospital, I don't have my baby in my arms. I'm leaving him behind with strangers night after night. And poor Isaac, what an introduction to big brotherhood. Anyhow, I'm sure y'all want to know why Eli is in the nicu. It took several days for the doctors to really agree on what was going on with him, but from the beginning it seemed apparent that his lungs had not matured properly. Within a short time of birth, he blew enough of a hole in his left lung to leak air into his chest, causing what's called a neumothorax. This became the immediate concern but was pretty quickly resolved by removing the air with a big needle so he didn't need a chest tube. However, with his lungs not quite developed, he still had to be on oxygen but since the neumothorax was a concern, that oxygen couldn't be forced into him with any pressure, so he ended up under this big bubble for his head. He was under that for at least two days and we couldn't hold him, or really even see his face much. Then he came out of that and we got to hold him for a day, then he had to go under the phototherapy lights to prevent jaundice for two days, so we didn't get to hold him much, or see his eyes much. He got to start nursing, only a couple of times a day, two days ago, and that is going to be a challenge, for both of us, after such a late start. But, I'm determined so I know once he's home it will get easy. Yesterday, he came off his IV, and today he is weaned down really close to being off oxygen. But, the doctor and all the nurses talk like he's going to be in there till next year it seems. That's how I feel anyways. We have no idea at this point when he will be home. All we can do is put everything on hold, live an insane schedule of home, work, hospital, and pray and hope we have our baby home soon.
I apologize, especially to Grandma and Great-Grandmas (that would be Isaac and Eli's) for not calling or updating more often! I've been at the hospital most of the time most days, and right now its tough to call people because I get so emotional trying to talk about all this. Please bear with my slacking!
I apologize, especially to Grandma and Great-Grandmas (that would be Isaac and Eli's) for not calling or updating more often! I've been at the hospital most of the time most days, and right now its tough to call people because I get so emotional trying to talk about all this. Please bear with my slacking!
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Baby Tomorrow...
Well, looks like noon tomorrow I go on the table, unless labor starts tonight. So, one way or another, we will have the baby tomorrow. I will be in the hospital for a couple of days, I'm sure, so if you want to know all the details on the baby either call me or Travis, or wait till I post next! Until then...
Monday, December 8, 2008
Big news...
Well, my doctor called this evening and said my lab work shows preeclampsia so he offered a pitocin-induced VBAC or a c section. I'm pretty opposed to pitocin under any circumstances, but especially in a VBAC attempt (those extra strong contractions could easily tear a uterus) so c section it is, unless I go into labor before we're scheduled. We could have done it tomorrow am at 7:30, but that was a little too rushed for us so tomorrow I will find out in the morning when the big moment will be, and will let everyone know. Its looking like either sometime Wednesday afternoon, or Thursday. I'm pretty sad to give up the VBAC hope, but above all else I don't want baby ending up in the NICU like Isaac did, don't need a repeat of that trauma! With any luck, baby will just throw a monkey wrench in the plans and arrive naturally tomorrow!
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Long day...
Whew, its felt like a long day today, but not because I'm in labor. That's why its felt long, I guess. The last time I was in labor, 40 hours flew by. :) So, no baby yet folks. Its probably waiting for snow too.
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Hurray for the Parade...

We went downtown to the Christmas Parade today, that was fun, and I'm glad to say that it is still called a Christmas parade, not a holiday parade. I thought the walk would put me into labor, but so far no luck. Isaac was so cute, its so much fun to watch him get into things like the parade now that he can, he even got to run out into the street to hug a duck, but once he got there he wasnt' too sure about that. :) It was a good time, and what a beautiful day! I guess if we aren't going to get snow, might as well be soaking up the sunshine!
Friday, December 5, 2008
Ok, the calls are starting to come in, reminding me that I'm not the only one waiting anxiously on this baby, so I'll try to update daily. Shouldn't be too hard since all I've been doing lately is sitting around, sleeping, napping, and puttering. Still no news to report today though, just turned in my two big jugs full of pee for the lab to test (I had to collect all my urine for 24 hours, that was pretty neat.) and get to have more blood sucked out of me tomorrow. My usual doctor is out of town for the weekend so a doctor I've not met is checking the results of all my fluids, and I imagine he kind of gets to make the call as to whether we keep waiting or everyone panics and I end up on the table. At this point, all I can do is think of the day when I'm home with baby in my arms, and I don't have to see another doctor for a while. Its ironic that I've seen the doctor more times for something so natural than I think I've ever done in my whole lifetime. I'm pretty over it! Well, enough of all that, y'all will know right away when I know. :)
Here's something funny, yesterday I had an early morning doctor's app't, and we've been struggling with starting the car anyways, but especially when its cold, so of course it was freezing early in the am so I fired up trusty ole Marmalade (the VW bus if you didn't know her name) and discovered that my belly is almost too big for me to fit behind the steering wheel! Its a good thing it's a pretty straight shot to the doctor's office since I could barely turn the steering wheel! Hee hee.
Here's something funny, yesterday I had an early morning doctor's app't, and we've been struggling with starting the car anyways, but especially when its cold, so of course it was freezing early in the am so I fired up trusty ole Marmalade (the VW bus if you didn't know her name) and discovered that my belly is almost too big for me to fit behind the steering wheel! Its a good thing it's a pretty straight shot to the doctor's office since I could barely turn the steering wheel! Hee hee.
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Quick Baby Update...
Well, so far it looks like we are off the hook for a scheduled c section this weekend so we are still just waiting for labor to start naturally. Had an app't today and blood pressure was fine, all the bloodwork from two days ago looked fine, and baby seems to be doing just fine too. So, unless the doctors don't like the results of my various pee tests I've done this week, we get to just keep waiting.
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
December is finally upon us, and there is still no snow in the hills. As usual, if it snows early in October, we don't see much of the white stuff again till January. For me, this is kind of a good thing, as much as I feel like a kid on Christmas morning every time I hear big snow reports or wake up to find a layer outside. If the snow holds off for just a bit longer, it makes the travelling for my Mom much easier, and she is kind of the designated babysitter for Isaac while Trav and I are at our favorite place having a baby. So, I kind of need her to get here as quick as she can, and she's a coastie so snow driving is pretty unfamiliar to her.
My blood pressure was up at my app't yesterday and so we all kind of freaked out a bit thinking the doctor was going to order a c section this weekend. So far, he's saying its ok, so we are still just waiting for baby to decide to come on out. I'm holding out hope that baby will make his/her move this Friday!
Isaac has had the giant momentous occasion of going poo in his potty! That has been the most exciting thing of the week around here! Now I'm just trying to get him to repeat the performance because he has also had three or four accidents in his undies to go along with the one success. :) But, yesterday he went all day without wearing a diaper, that's a first, and I'm sooo happy! Couldn't help but brag, and yes, these are the things that moms get really excited about.
Well, here's to just a bit of snow, enough to get the mountain open and the skiers shopping!
My blood pressure was up at my app't yesterday and so we all kind of freaked out a bit thinking the doctor was going to order a c section this weekend. So far, he's saying its ok, so we are still just waiting for baby to decide to come on out. I'm holding out hope that baby will make his/her move this Friday!
Isaac has had the giant momentous occasion of going poo in his potty! That has been the most exciting thing of the week around here! Now I'm just trying to get him to repeat the performance because he has also had three or four accidents in his undies to go along with the one success. :) But, yesterday he went all day without wearing a diaper, that's a first, and I'm sooo happy! Couldn't help but brag, and yes, these are the things that moms get really excited about.
Well, here's to just a bit of snow, enough to get the mountain open and the skiers shopping!
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