Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Winter Has Come Back!!!

Some back yard visitors return, along with the snow...

Just in time for WinterFest!

The Incredible Stewy Brothers...

Box O' Cuties

Sesame Street still has the power!

Bet you can't see me! (Posted by Isaac)

Readin' to myself (posted by Isaac)

What a winning smile!

Here's a few pictures of the boys, more on the way...

Monday, February 9, 2009

Long Nights...

Ok, sorry no pictures this time because I've been slacking on getting them uploaded to my computer, but I will get some pictures up soon! Elias has grown soooo much, he doesn't look like an almost two-month-old at all. A diaper customer came by and saw him the other day and was shocked, she said he's about as big as her eight-month girl! Ha.
Well, Isaac caught a cold again this past week, then Travis came home sick one day from work, and what do you know, Eli got sick too. Poor little guy, two times in two months of living. So, we had some pretty sleepless nights over the weekend with Eli screaming his displeasure at us. He gave us a reprieve last night though, and let us sleep most of the night, and no screaming. Whew! I'm hoping that the storm has passed and sleeping returns to normal because Eli is usually really awesome during the night.
We had exciting news last week, our good friends had their baby, a little boy, in a motel room! Pretty funny. They had planned on a home birth, and ended up staying in a motel room due to a fire in their garage, and of course, she went into labor and had a beautiful, healthy boy early in the morning, without too much difficulty. Yay!! Their middle daughter is Isaac's age, now their baby is Eli's age, so that's fun.
Anyhow, I'm just staying busy right now with diaper orders and two little monsters, and some meager attempts at house cleaning. (I've learned to live with disaster somewhat.) So, I've been slacking on the picture updates. One of these nights!
Oh ya, and thanks Phil, I did mean Feb of 2010 for the stupid lead law, but seriously, can you believe that next year is really 2010?!

Sunday, February 1, 2009

A Temporary Stay of Execution!!

Yay, Rumpty Dumpty Diapers is safe for a year, at least!! The implementation of the lead testing and certification requirements of the new law has been postponed till Feb 09!! Hooray!