Happy New Year everyone! Hope that yours is a full of fun as I know ours will be. How could it not be with these two cuties? How many adventures can we squeeze into the next 362 days? I'm hoping for lots!

Eli would like to point out that he is rapidly approaching the grand old age of one month! He is finally starting to noticeably grow and put on weight, so maybe clothes will finally start fitting him! :)

Isaac would like to remind everyone that he is now officially a "terrible two-year-old" so he gets to cause lots of trouble. We had a great time celebrating his birthday, its handy when kids are young and you get to pick their friends! Isaac got a camera for his birthday, so I'm sure I'll have a few fabulous pics taken by him to post soon. That's pretty fun!
Its been raining off and on here, so all the pretty snow has been washed away and turned into mud. Hopefully we get a new pounding soon! Of course, I'm glad we aren't flooding, and I feel for those who are! (Hope you're still staying dry, Em!)
Well, that's it for now. Have fun!
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