Monday, May 11, 2009

Rocks, Dirt, Diapers, and Peeing In Strange Places...

Okay, so I know that its really cool to be able to pee standing up and its pretty neat to be able to somewhat discreetly pee while in strange places, and admittedly I have gone pee in my share of strange places, but I am really not okay with my two year old peeing all over my yard in full view of the neighborhood. Unfortunately, that is exactly what Isaac has decided he must do repeatedly, multiple times a day. (Hanging around Bojo too much? Or might it be Daddy's influence, eh?) Let me tell you, its really hard to keep a straight face every time I catch him out there with his pants down, looking so impressed with his newfound ability. I have to holler at him, then quickly run inside where he can't see me and laugh, then run back out and yell at him so more. What I'm trying to figure out is how to explain to him that it is okay to pee outside when we are in the woods, camping, hiking, etc, but that it isn't okay in the yard. Talk about a mixed message!
Well, we've been busy as ever doing things other than chasing naked Isaac around the yard. Travis is building a patio in our back yard, so the rotting, spider infested porch is gone! Yay! He's been pounding on rocks for a couple of weeks now, and so far, the project is looking good.
I've done a little bit of playing in the dirt, getting ready to start planting the garden. We've expanded it this year, and hope to get lots of yummy goodies out of it. Diaper orders were quiet for a while, but have picked up again, so I'm busy with that, although the boys aren't giving me much time for sewing. With Eli, we've kind of reached that tiresome stage between ages four months and eight months when he doesn't take long naps and he can't really play by himself much yet since he isn't mobile, so really I only have a few minutes here and there until the boys are in bed. But, I'm glad business is steady. I'm hoping to work through as much of my materials as I can before August, when the lead-law labeling requirements kick in that might be the end of my young business.
The sun has been out and we are getting excited for bicycling again. Isaac had his first "ride" on his Christmas bike the other day, and he loves it of course. Eli is just about ready for sitting in the rear seat for short rides, so I'm drooling over my bikes, anticipating lots of good rides. Can't wait for the exercise!
Well, sorry for slacking on the posts lately, and I must warn of another dry spell to come since I'll be busy with the latest batch of orders, but I will do my best! And, hey there Cindi, glad to hear from ya!

1 comment:

mak'n Changes said...

Katie! that story of your son is hilarious! I remember doing some volunteer work at a grade school and watched a 8ish year old boy walk to the tree I was standing by and open up his drawers and pee! I was taken back. couldnt quite figure out what and why I just saw what I saw. Boys! *laugh*
I love reading your blog katie!
