Katie! Its cindie bass, bonnie's daughter. My mom just gave me your blog address. Very Cool! I have added you to my blog roll so now I can follow whats going on in your world. I see that teresa also has a blog, I will jump over and say hello to her too. Good to see you!
So who the heck are we? Well, Travis is my hubby and forever love, he is a recovered raft guide/ski bum who now supports us by slaving away as a mason. (Need any work done?) I am a non-recovered raft guide/ski bum, but am currently on hiatus working as a stay-at-home mom. I own a business making and selling cloth diapers in order to stay (too) busy and feel like I'm contributing to our always tight finances. Isaac is our adventurous two-year old, probably future raft guide/ski bum (unless he really bucks family tradition and becomes a doctor, lawyer, or something respectable.) Elias is our delightful two-month-old, also likely future raft guide/ski bum. And who can forget old Bojo, my nine-year-old, extremely loyal, adventured out wolf/shepard/husky mix dog. So, that's us, the stewy's in a nutshell!
It was cool to get the know the little guys a bit better. I'm glad you came up for the birthday thing. I hadn't seen you in seemingly forever!
Katie! Its cindie bass, bonnie's daughter. My mom just gave me your blog address. Very Cool! I have added you to my blog roll so now I can follow whats going on in your world. I see that teresa also has a blog, I will jump over and say hello to her too. Good to see you!
cindie Bass
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