Saturday, November 29, 2008

Countdown Agony

Ugh, the last few weeks of pregnancy are the worst! Giant belly, everything hurts, no comfortable position to be found anywhere, waking up to contractions thinking, is this it finally?, and waiting, waiting, waiting. Funny how I just did all this two years ago and have already forgotten what the final weeks are really like. I think Baby is getting impatient too, he/she wants to get out and play with big brother Isaac. Who can blame him/her, he is awfully fun to play with! That is one nice thing about these final weeks, I'm more or less on "maternity leave" from diaper making and have had quite a bit of time to just hang out and play with Isaac. The weather has been unusually warm so we've been out and about a fair bit. Isaac's big news these days is learning to use the potty, which is going amazingly well (warning, sales pitch...cloth diapers are awesome! They make potty-training sooo easy!). He only wears a diaper to go poo and at bedtime now, and for long outings, and has had very few accidents. I hope his good pottying continues after the massive disruption of baby's arrival!
Well, I just had to whine a bit about being gigantic and brag a bit about Isaac, so that's it for now!

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