Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Oh Hail!

The yard covered in hail. Note the chicken house hiding
behind the tree in the center of the picture.

Well, we spent last weekend building a "chicken tractor" for our ladies to spend the summer in, and they've been enjoying their days out there this week, and I've been enjoying having them out of the garage at least most of the time. Today was almost disastrous however as a crazy hail storm came along and I had to run out to the coop getting pelted by nickel sized hail stones to rescue the dumb birds. They didn't know to get into their house so they were all piled up at the end of the "tractor" trying to get shelter from the hail. I was able to scoop them all up and get them into their house without any of them escaping, and without getting struck by lightning. When the crazy down pour ended I went back out to get them and they were just happy as clams poking around in their straw bedding, no worse for the wear. Its supposed to continue with thunder storms and showers all week, so I hope they learn to get themselves into their house because I don't really want to repeat today's misadventure. Thankfully I think the garden survived the beating, except for the two cucumber starts I just put out yesterday. They ended up buried under a layer of ice. You gotta love spring in Oregon.

1 comment:

mak'n Changes said...

I have asked my fiance numerous times if we can move to oregon because I LOVE the weather you just described. He always wrinkles his nose up and say's "it rains to much their". Wimp! *laugh* he is a phx boy thri and thru.