Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Yes, We Are Still Here...

A breakfast table game of peek-a-boo.

The boys all dressed up for my birthday

Eli doing some modeling for me, unleashing his wild side.

The two cutest little guys ever!

Sorry for the long-time-no-write folks. Busy as usual. Feels like summer has finally arrived, and I'm loving the sun and the heat. I would rather be lovin it on the river though! But, we're getting some good play time in and the boys are growing as fast as the garden and the chickens. Elias got his first tooth today and he has been sitting up really good for a while. He is really trying hard to scoot along, probably won't be long before he's roaming the house in four-wheel drive. Isaac is talking sooo much, although nearly impossible to understand by all but me. He surprises me every day with a new word, sentence, or by recognizing a new letter or telling me a memory from when he was "much younger."
We are trying hard to gather up the bits and pieces we need to start on the big bus project and are hoping to at least get a jump on it this summer. For now, the ole 40 footer is doing greenhouse duty though in our pathetic attempt to extend the unpredictable growing season around here. Hopefully we can not freeze our tomatoes this year.
Speaking of unpredictability, Trav's job is on shaky ground so we have started tentatively "job hunting" to test the waters out there. Things are getting a bit scary! Options on the table mostly involve leaving the house, which would be fine in another year perhaps, but we just aren't set up for that yet. So, its entirely possible that our young fam will be doing time apart for a while. We'll just have to wait and see, as always.

1 comment:

mak'n Changes said...

Oh gosh! Sorry to hear of your hard times. I wish you the best and much promotion in your near future.
Your babies are gorgeous! The oldest is a johnson to the "t". I see my mom as and your dad in that little guy. Jim and michael and jims daughter as well as marks youngest son all took after the johnson side too. Ya gotta love all the cute blonde babies in our family..