Thursday, January 15, 2009

Aaargh! This Law is Making Me Crazy!!!

OK, I know I mentioned this already, but I've got to vent a little bit. This CPSIA law is making me want to pull my hair out. Here I've gotten four orders for diapers already after starting back to work after my "maternity leave", my business has so much potential to really go somewhere this year, and I'm facing the likely possibility of having to shut down because of this law. And what's so aggravating to me is that things like childrens' toothbrushes are exempt from the lead law even though they are made with plastic (where the problem all started) but cloth diapers made with known lead-free materials are not exempt. Also, I know I'm not alone in this frustration, so many work-at-home moms are facing the same problem. I feel like this should be like if the government takes your property they have to reimburse you fair value, well, they should have to reimburse me for all the fabrics I won't be able to make into diapers as well as pay my small business debt off too if this law shuts me down. I hate to think about all the people relying on the income from their crafts having to give it up. Who among us can afford that right now? AAAARRRGH!

1 comment:

Phil said...

That's dumb! Sounds ridiculous. I can't even imagine it would actually pass and be enforced... seriously, all thrift stores would go out of business. I bet it will be gradual, even if it goes into effect.

I don't watch the news much, but I haven't heard much about this. I guess it's easy to not pay attention when it doesn't affect me much... but I don't that it affects so many people, especially since parts of it as you say are so unreasonable.